OLGC Parents' Association is a vibrant, energetic and visible part of the school community and offers many opportunities for parents to gather and become involved in the life of the school.
There are very clear guidelines set out for how funds raised by the Parents' Association are spent.
2.9.1 The Parents' Association exists because the school exists. It works for the general good of the school.
2.9.2 The Parents and Friends Association does not have an inalienable right to the funds raised nor to the final determination of the projects on which these funds will be spent. The Parents and Friends Association should be included in the budgeting process so that funds raised by the group may be allocated in advance towards the purchase of goods or services as determined in the school’s budget and development plan.
2.9.3 Under no circumstances is the Parents' Association to incur expenditure directly on behalf of the school.
MACS (Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools - Parent & Friends Assocaition Policy
© Our Lady of Good Counsel